Hello! Get to know me a bit! 
To introduce myself, I'm an average height Latina living in South Florida, since I was literally born. Some might say I'm lucky to have been living next to the worlds best theme parks as my backyard. (That's if you consider your backyard to be 4 hours away.) 
May not seem like it, but I'm a nerd for pop culture, music, anime, video games, and comics. You bet I've wasted more than 40 hours a week investing my time in any of the things mentioned above. 
Personal taste aside, I specialize in Visual design and Art Directing. I'm keen to detail and love to make my projects be expendable to any realm of design. Experimenting is a must for me and I love to see the new skills I can accumulate within each project and see how far I can push myself. Designing brings me joy, and I want to try to convey that same joy to anyone who views it and experiences it. Not only that, but the joy of being able to lead and make sure whatever is set forth is fully realized and at its absolute best.
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